January 30, 2008

Yet Another Amp of D50

For those of you who do not know what D50 is: It is what you give to a patient who's sugar is in the toilet. The real name is Dextrose 50%, that pretty much means its pure sugary goodness. It is a huge syringe, that about breaks your fingers trying to push in because it is so sugary! Not something you want to give. An amp is 50ml of the stuff. Normally you give 1/2 and amp, but in very low sugar an amp.

Since I have been working it is actually becoming a joke that I should carry D50 in my pocket. Tonight one of the nurses asked me, "Do you have your D50 in your pocket tonight?" The other night I was working I had to give 3 amps of D50 in a matter of 2 hours.


  1. Oh my! So glad I am not doing that job. He sounds like a nut case.

  2. i think u r in a wonderful profession and u probably helped saved the guy's life...god bless u

  3. Hi Cincy
    Thanks for your article about D50, did'nt know what is really was .....

  4. I have a case where the diabetic went down to a blood sugar of 12 and died. If you do expert witness work please in the Chicago area please respond to tom@alabama-attorney.net

  5. Thanks for your photos!! I am a second semester nursing student and have heard about an amp of D50 but had not seen it yet! Thanks for your post :)
