Pt hit code blue button trying to turn down a/c. I ran about 100 feet. Let me tell you someone like me should not be running. Haha! That was not fun. I have a back ache.
December 13, 2008
October 06, 2008
Bladder Scanning Competition
Beter luck next time.
Posted by
Cincy RN
3:58 AM
July 22, 2008
Projectile Poopage
About 3-4 weeks ago, she had a pt who needed to be turned. They were in contact isolation. I tell you this fact to mention that she had the beautiful blue gown on. She helped roll the pt over and the next thing that happened was shocking. J said her eyes grew big as stool that had started trickling out from the bum cheeks start on a projectile coarse of action. She said blue gown or not I do not want that on me. She almost uttered a scream, then instinctively grabbed our wonderful chucks, aka bed pads. Stool continued to flow at a rapid pace, until it met its final resting place in a big puddle of brown goodness that saturated the bed.
Wow! Thank goodness that wasn't me.
Posted by
Cincy RN
1:24 AM
May 23, 2008
Molasses Enema
Never had to give a Molasses enema is definitely different. My dear pal L asks me to help her. She definitely pulled out the friend card. She mixed molasses, milk of mag, salt, and warm water. She mixed it all into a bag, but somehow missed the closure at the top. Remember that for later.
We take this big brown bag of goodness and hang it on an IV pole, with some lube in hand I start reaching for the moon. Once in place, we notice the bag of goodies isn't moving. So I say give it a squeeze, which I ended up squeezing molasses right onto the floor (the top not closed that went un-noticed until that point). I did a tiny splash onto my new t-shirt that I designed. We threw some towels onto the floor and tried again. This time I held the top closed with both hands while L did the squeezing. We won't go into the details that followed, lets just say that was an experience, I am not looking forward to anytime soon.
Then tonight L tries to pull the same trick and say she may need help inserting a nasal trumpet into the rectum. I said I don't think so!!! haha!
This reminds me of a joke: There were 3 baby moles in a tunnel underground. The oldest brother was in front and starts sniffing the air. He says, "Smells like mamma is fixin' bacon." The 2nd brother in line starts sniffing and says, "Mmm smells like she is fixin' pancakes." The baby brother was last in line and starts sniffing, and keeps sniffing. Finally he says, "Man I only smell molasses."
Posted by
Cincy RN
2:59 AM
May 17, 2008
April 21, 2008
Can you say brainfart?
Sorry I have not written anything really funny for awhile. I haven't felt "funny". Work has been challenging lately. Anywho.... I think I must be stressed about getting my wisdom teeth out in the morning. I did two stupid things tonight.
Firstly: I was starting an IV because the current one was leaking fluids. Tried to save it, but no good. I inserted the IV no problem, put on the extension and was flushing the IV, when all of a sudden to extension popped off. Oops! Well blood started to go everywhere, it took my brain about 3 secs to react...then I applied pressure. I was able to save the IV, reattach the extension, and tape it all up. Told the patient not to move while I finished getting it all together. Well in the process of me walking to get the line for the IV fluids that were running, she moved her arm which had the syringe still attached (so I didn't have to clean off the hub again). Out comes the iv.
I figure it popped off due to the site not being totally dry. When the IV came out, once again blood went everywhere. I had to apply pressure while the daughter when to ask the nurse sitting in the hall to get my some 2x2. Didn't help that the pt was on coumadin. Can ya say we have a bleeder??? I apologized and said, "I usually do not spill a drop of blood but that IV extension just popped out". I cleaned up the floor, the patient, and myself.
That would be nice if that was all. I was changing the bag of fluids over, and I think my mind went completely blank when I un-spiked the current bag of fluids and spiked the new one. In that few seconds the old one started pouring saline onto me, the floor, and the pt's bed rail. Thankfully the patient was spared except a tiny bit onto their arm. Once again I said sorry. I think my head must be in the clouds because of nerves due to the wisdom teeth extraction. The pt was really nice, and said it was okay... mercy!
The stupid things we do. My shirt finally dried after about an hour!
Posted by
Cincy RN
4:16 AM
March 22, 2008
Sorry I have not been posting in awhile. I was gone on vacation for a couple of weeks. I am back in action.
The only thing that has happened to me that was remotely weird or gross: My little patient decided to chew tobacco which isn't that bad. Except the fact that they decided to spit it on the floor all night long, and I ended up cleaning up a big pile of tobacco juice. Pretty gross at 4 am.
The perks of nursing!
Posted by
Cincy RN
6:47 AM
February 29, 2008
CorPak & Rectal Trumpet

Posted by
Cincy RN
2:41 AM
February 17, 2008
February 08, 2008
Well I remembered how to do everything, except one minor detail! Opps!
Posted by
Cincy RN
12:23 AM