February 29, 2008

CorPak & Rectal Trumpet

Goes in your nose for tube feeding, etc
(different sizes)

I was checking on my patient to make sure they were doing okay. The funny thing is I didn't notice anything wrong at first. The tube feeder was beeping and I was trying to silence it due to the roommate in the next bed. I loaded more juice into the bag and turned on the tube feed. I kept hearing this high pitch squeal. I asked the pt what that was and they said they lost their hearing aid. I went on a bed search for the hearing aid when I noticed there was something on the floor. Lo and behold I notice stool on the floor. I follow the trail and see it on the bed, and the end of the yellow brick road was the rectal trumpet. I called for help and sheets. No one came. I went out into the hall and yelled for my pal L. Asked her to come help me.

We get in there and are cleaning them up, when all of a sudden L holds this tube up and says, "Um, did they pull this out?" There in her hands she held the corpak that use to be in the pt nose. With of course the tube feed still running! ha! The pt said that they didn't like it, and please don't put that tube back in me (meaning the rectal one).

What is even funnier still it didn't dawn on me until we were talking about what happened that I had actually started the tube feed back up and didn't even notice it wasn't in the pt's nose. *Shaking my head*


  1. Wow! You certainly have exciting days on the job. -Brenda H.

  2. Congrats on being a new nurse!!! I didnt realize you were going to school. Sounds like you have some exciting days ahead of you too-LOL!

    Have a great day!
