February 08, 2008


I had to hang blood last week for the 1st time since RN B. and I had to during orientation. I think the 1st 4-5 days of working we had already given 6 units of PRBC & FFP. I haven't given any since then. Which is my excuse for what happens next.

Well I remembered how to do everything, except one minor detail! Opps!

When you set up blood you always have a bag of saline hanging as well to use to flush the blood through, after is is done. I started the blood was monitoring my patients vitals and stuff for a reaction. RN G comes rolling through and asked if I was doing okay, I said yes at the same time as looking up at my blood. I realized at that moment that my bag of saline was red. I was like um.....what happened! G. says to me well you might want to clamp the bag next time! Duh! haha! Oh the stupid things we forget about. Can't really flush blood with diluted blood can you?

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