July 22, 2008

Projectile Poopage

I was talking to J last night and told her man nothing funny has happened to me lately. Everything has been pretty serious at work. She tells me well I have something for you, and begins to tell me her story. I will try to tell you as much as I remember. I was hyped up on 2 cups of coffee.

About 3-4 weeks ago, she had a pt who needed to be turned. They were in contact isolation. I tell you this fact to mention that she had the beautiful blue gown on. She helped roll the pt over and the next thing that happened was shocking. J said her eyes grew big as stool that had started trickling out from the bum cheeks start on a projectile coarse of action. She said blue gown or not I do not want that on me. She almost uttered a scream, then instinctively grabbed our wonderful chucks, aka bed pads. Stool continued to flow at a rapid pace, until it met its final resting place in a big puddle of brown goodness that saturated the bed.

Wow! Thank goodness that wasn't me.

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