October 06, 2008

Bladder Scanning Competition

Last night at work was a slow night for once.  Someone got the bright idea to start a bladder scanning competition.  The rules were simple.  Drink as much as you can, hold it as long as you can, you get 1 scan, up  have until 5am, and the person with the most on their bladder scan printout wins the pot of exactly $7.  You had to pay a $1 to play.  You knew when someone was at their limit, because the bladder scanner wheels are very loud.  Our floor is pretty quiet at night, and thru the quiet you would suddenly hear the bladder scanner wizzing down the hall, and a door slam.

I drank 3L of fluid over a period of about 2 hours, until I felt I would bust.  I took a hat (urine collection device) with me to see if it would be accurate, being fat and all wasn't sure it would measure correctly through the big gut.  Mutliple tries resulted in 662.  After the scan I ran to the toilet and had out 1000 ml.  Even with these hard facts I did not tie G.B. because my scanner ticket said 662.  But I know the real truth.  I will let him have the win.  Although he did say we could have a rematch tonight.  Congrats on the big $7.  Hey, I just remember I owe R. a dollar for my entry fee.  Didn't have the cash so she had to spot me.  

The Results:
G  >999
R - 771
Me - 662 (at least it wasn't 66_)
S - 509
J - 473
J - 459
P - 277

Beter luck next time.