May 23, 2008

Molasses Enema

Enema Kit

Never had to give a Molasses enema is definitely different. My dear pal L asks me to help her. She definitely pulled out the friend card. She mixed molasses, milk of mag, salt, and warm water. She mixed it all into a bag, but somehow missed the closure at the top. Remember that for later.

We take this big brown bag of goodness and hang it on an IV pole, with some lube in hand I start reaching for the moon. Once in place, we notice the bag of goodies isn't moving. So I say give it a squeeze, which I ended up squeezing molasses right onto the floor (the top not closed that went un-noticed until that point). I did a tiny splash onto my new t-shirt that I designed. We threw some towels onto the floor and tried again. This time I held the top closed with both hands while L did the squeezing. We won't go into the details that followed, lets just say that was an experience, I am not looking forward to anytime soon.

Then tonight L tries to pull the same trick and say she may need help inserting a nasal trumpet into the rectum. I said I don't think so!!! haha!

This reminds me of a joke: There were 3 baby moles in a tunnel underground. The oldest brother was in front and starts sniffing the air. He says, "Smells like mamma is fixin' bacon." The 2nd brother in line starts sniffing and says, "Mmm smells like she is fixin' pancakes." The baby brother was last in line and starts sniffing, and keeps sniffing. Finally he says, "Man I only smell molasses."

May 17, 2008

Lose Weight