April 21, 2008

Can you say brainfart?

Sorry I have not written anything really funny for awhile. I haven't felt "funny". Work has been challenging lately. Anywho.... I think I must be stressed about getting my wisdom teeth out in the morning. I did two stupid things tonight.

Firstly: I was starting an IV because the current one was leaking fluids. Tried to save it, but no good. I inserted the IV no problem, put on the extension and was flushing the IV, when all of a sudden to extension popped off. Oops! Well blood started to go everywhere, it took my brain about 3 secs to react...then I applied pressure. I was able to save the IV, reattach the extension, and tape it all up. Told the patient not to move while I finished getting it all together. Well in the process of me walking to get the line for the IV fluids that were running, she moved her arm which had the syringe still attached (so I didn't have to clean off the hub again). Out comes the iv.

I figure it popped off due to the site not being totally dry. When the IV came out, once again blood went everywhere. I had to apply pressure while the daughter when to ask the nurse sitting in the hall to get my some 2x2. Didn't help that the pt was on coumadin. Can ya say we have a bleeder??? I apologized and said, "I usually do not spill a drop of blood but that IV extension just popped out". I cleaned up the floor, the patient, and myself.

That would be nice if that was all. I was changing the bag of fluids over, and I think my mind went completely blank when I un-spiked the current bag of fluids and spiked the new one. In that few seconds the old one started pouring saline onto me, the floor, and the pt's bed rail. Thankfully the patient was spared except a tiny bit onto their arm. Once again I said sorry. I think my head must be in the clouds because of nerves due to the wisdom teeth extraction. The pt was really nice, and said it was okay... mercy!

The stupid things we do. My shirt finally dried after about an hour!